Sunday, January 31, 2010

100 miles...a Blog-a-versary!

100 Miles...Footsteps Toward the Goal
Project Three Six Five
A Little Blog-A-Versary!

Miles today: 4.7
Miles this week: 28.1
Miles in 2010: 118.8

I've been meaning to write this post almost 20 miles ago, but I've been so busy writing about other things, that it got saved as a draft and I'm already to 118 miles and I'm way past my goal...

So anyway, when I first started blogging, which was over 2 years ago now, I blogged here. Now, I am blogging here at Project Three Six Five, and I don't have much time for blogging other places. However, back when I blogged at 53millionminutes, about a year into my blogging, I copied an idea a friend of mine had for a "Blog-a-versary" and that meant that I had blogged for one whole year, and I wanted to make a memory of it. So I did this. I think that if you don't know me very well, you should click on that link and learn about a hundred things about me that you didn't know.

And if you do know me, then you should click anyway, because I bet you don't know all those things about me anyway.

Back to the whole reason I linked to the that I thought that each time I reach a 100-milestone, I should probably do some kind of special this is going to be my 1st 100 Blog-A-Versary.

I'll explain my run's run, which followed yesterday's big 12-inch snowstorm run, was a little better
because the sun was out...but there was still a ton of snow on the ground, which meant adventure wherever you ran.

Gregg and I had our first pre-marital counseling sesh with Anne, a spiritual life director at Lynchburg College. Afterwards, we changed at the LC locker room and ran from the college. It was my bright idea to run out the main entrance of the school and head up Lakeside Drive. Since there was so much snow on the shoulders though, it probably wasn't the best idea because of the safety issue...but we continued, with Gregg high-stepping it through the snow where there would normally be a sidewalk and me dodging/sharing the road with cars on what remained of the white line closest to the shoulder.

We hung a right on Moorman, ran down the hill to Old Forest Road next to Daddy Bim's (yummy BBQ if you've never had it) and took a right. We ran down to the house next to the side entrance to Monticello Park and I suggested to Gregg that we try to run through the trails in the deep snow. He said we could just run across the soccer field below the park, so we did...high-stepping the whole way.

Now, if you've never run through deep snow and still tried to be quick, I'd suggest you try it for a great workout. Gregg wasn't kidding when he said it'd be good training for me. By the time we made it the 100 yards across the field, I was out of breath and my legs were burning. It was a great feeling.

We headed up the very steep hill entrance to the park, and then took a left out of the park toward the Laurel School on the corner of Lakeside and Oakley Avenue. Gregg suggested that we run the playground field in the deep snow (again!?) across the front of the Laurel School, so we did...out and back and I told him I couldn't do anymore.

Somewhere in there I fell twice, yes, twice! I don't know what's wrong with me lately, because it seems I've been falling a lot...but this time I didn't get hurt. The first fall had me almost into one of those sewer openings on the side of the road next to the was covered with snow and my feet just happened to push the snow in and then slipped almost into the opening. The second fall was at the top of Oakley Avenue and I almost fell right on my left knee where the big ugly wound/bruise is, but I caught myself just in time.

We headed up Oakley Avenue, hung a right on Memorial, and then took Langhorne Lane and Vernon Street back to campus. It wasn't that long of a run...just over 4 miles, and it took way longer than usual for a 4 mile run, but it was fun, tough, and a great it was definitely worth it.

Now, back to my blog-a-versary...I think each time I run 100 miles, I'm going to write a special something in honor of that 100.

Here goes:

The First One Hundred
A poem...

I wake.
I plan.
I think.
I waste.

I wonder.
I eat.
I work.
I wait.

I zip.
I button.
I pull.
I lace.
I tie.

I walk.
I push.
I lift.
I move.
I run.

Feet up.
Feet down.
Weave in.
Weave out.

Hair flies.
Shirt moves.
Skirt waves.
Shoes scuff.

Legs burn.
Eyes blink.
Mouth breathes.
Knees bend.

Head turns.
Arms pump.
Feet hit.
Body pushes.

I run.

this is Blanka Croatian high-jumping body idol.


  1. Congratulations on your 100! I just reached 50 tonight, pretty lame but I felt pretty good about it.

    By the way, love your poem. You should send it into runnersworld, I bet they would publish it.

  2. Hi Heather. I've been running for a long time, but now I don't run any more than 3 days in a row to avoid injury. I'm enjoying your blog a lot. I read your 100 Things and noticed you are on Goodreads. Would you like to be my friend on Goodreads? We read some of the same books - The Book Thief, The Time Traveler's Wife...
