Monday, March 1, 2010

Tempo Run

Miles today: 5.04
Miles this week: 5.04
Miles in 2010: 221.6

Yes, readers...I'm back.

Sorry about the short furlough. I've been putting together wedding stuff for the past I'm apologizing for my week and a half off...but I guarantee you'll have some good reads.

For instance, today's run...(which was actually Monday, March 1st)...was my first ever tempo run.

Gregg told me to go out on a relatively flat course today and run an easy mile, 3 fast miles, and another easy rest mile.

I've never really paced my runs like that, so I just was trying to do my best at running slow for the first and fifth miles and running fast for miles 2-4. However, my Garmin died on me, so I didn't really know where my mile splits were, and I just guessed.

My guesses were a little off, and mile 4 sucked...but here were my splits:

Mile 1 (easy): 9:01, distance: 0.98 mile

Mile 2 (tempo 1): 7:41, distance: 0.92 mile

Mile 3 (tempo 2): 10:01, distance: 1.35 miles

Mile 4 (tempo 3): 8:13, distance: 0.81 mile

Mile 5 (rest): 9:07, distance: 0.98 mile

My only major flop was from mile 3 to 4. I didn't know where the splits were, and I was also running down Peakland and back up the other side, so it was a bit hilly for a tempo run.

I definitely could feel my oxygen deprivation, and I felt like I didn't have enough in me to push through that fourth mile when I was coming up Peakland Hill toward VES Road...but I felt like I definitely pushed it.

Anyway, for a tempo run, I did pretty well and I know I'll be sore tomorrow.

My boss, Jeff, was very excited about my first tempo run. He told me to try for about an 8:10 pace on my middle three miles...and although I didn't get that exactly, I came pretty close and I was excited!

Way to go, Coach Gregg and Coach Jeff. I'm learning how to run faster!

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