Miles this week: 3.2
Miles in 2010: 122
I've been trying to keep my knee clean since I busted it last week when I fell...and it was always my belief that peroxide was good to pour on an open wound to keep it from getting infected. So for the past 5 days, I've been pouring peroxide on my knee, letting it bubble and fizz and burn, and then putting Neosporin and a Band-aid on it to keep it covered.
I was informed last night by my sister that peroxide is not the best thing for a wound because although it gets rid of bad stuff, it also eats away at good cells and actually slows down the healing process. So, I've been re-trained and know now that I just need to keep my wound clean with soap and water and then keep it moist and covered...via Neosporin.
So, I'm working on taking care of my knee a little better now.

Tonight's run was one that I was dreading, especially because we still had customers in the store after 7:00pm and I hadn't run yet. Much to my surprise, though, Gregg showed up just after 7 with his running gear on and treated me to a nice little buddy run.
We ran from the store to the end of Rivermont where it meets Link Road and back. Since there was a lot of snow Saturday, and this was my first time on Rivermont sidewalks since then, we had to do a little weaving, hopping, and sliding to get around the sidewalks that were maintained and those that weren't.
I've been wearing shorts to run in yesterday and today, and I must say that the cold air gives me a brisk, awakened feeling that I prefer to tights and pants.
Good run, knee is progressing, though I'm glad wedding dresses are long, because if I were wearing a short one, people would wonder how my knees got so cruddy...
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