Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My 200th Mile Blog-A-Versary

200 Miles...Footsteps Toward the Goal
Project Three Six Five
A little blog-a-versary!

Miles today: 4.7
Miles this week: 5.8
Miles in 2010: 201.8

Today I ran through my 200 mile mark! I was pretty excited to be arriving at 200 miles...and I'm not even sure why...but after I thought about it a little, I decided that 200 miles is a pretty big deal...partly because if I did those miles all in a row, I could run from here to Charlotte, North Carolina! Isn't that crazy!?

So with that, in honor of my 200th mile, I give you a song:

I guess this just popped into my head after I thought about my miles. Hope you enjoy it!

And by the way, I ran 4+ miles in Wyndhurst today after work...and I must say that all those flat Rivermont miles have kind of given me a little bit of a break...because the hills in Wyndhurst are NOT easy. But I made it, and I even saw some pals at the Y. Now it's taco night at my house and I'm pumped because I love tacos...especially after a good run.


  1. I love the map. Puts into perspective.

  2. thanks David! :) i thought it was kind of a neat idea...

  3. I love that song...Happy Blogaversary...200 Miles is an awesome feat!
