Miles today: 6.0
Miles this week: 24.5
Miles in 2010: 143.3
I've been going strong for 5 weeks in a row...and I've heard so many times before that it takes about 21 days to develop a habit. Well, folks...I think the habit is formed.
For all of my supporters out there, thanks for believing in me. I feel like every day of Project Three Six Five has gotten easier. I used to leave work at 6 or 7 at night with my backpack full of running clothes and head straight home, despite the hope that I would run each night.
Now, even if I haven't run early in the morning (which I usually don't), I just lace up and head out to run after work. I definitely have formed a habit and find that it's usually pretty easy to go for a run.
For all of my skeptics, I hope I've swayed you to believe that I will complete this project! I keep hearing encouraging words from all kinds of runners (I'd never expect) that I've helped encourage them or others.
How encouraging is that?!
In fact, Mike, a customer from the store, mentioned on Facebook today, "I ate 6 Oreos at 8 in the morning :-) ....great job Heather, your persistence, drive and determination is a great example for many!!" in response to my status about running 6 miles at 8am. Just reading that response made me feel so good.
Honestly, when I started out with this whole thing, I really was only worried about encouraging myself, because I was my own worst enemy. I always have been. I'd either talk myself out of a run or convince myself that I wasn't a good runner or believe that running wasn't as important as something else I have to do.
Now, things have become very different. I don't talk myself out of running because, #1: I know I have to and #2: I want to.
I don't convince myself that I'm not a good runner because, #1: I already know that I'm better than I was in December and #2: being a good runner really doesn't matter.
This morning, I woke up around 7:15 to go meet the guys at Peakland United Methodist for the Saturday run. I was sooooooo tired and didn't want to get out of bed. But, I got up, got dressed, and rode with Gregg as we drove through the snow/ice crunchiness in our neighborhood. Some trees were falling over on the main neighborhood road to get out to Wiggington, but the rest of the way (501 Expressway and Boonsboro Road) was pretty clear.
I didn't have a running partner to meet when we got to the church, and sometimes I feel a little bummed that I don't have a group of folks to run with that are dedicated like Gregg and his guys, but it's ok, because in time, I will. Brian and Jeff were the only two dedicated guys to show up today. Danny, where were you?
I ran up Peakland on the half that was plowed and then headed down Rivermont to the store. When I got there, I turned right on Magnolia and Columbia and then another right on Bedford to go back up the hill past the 7-11. Turned left on Rivermont and headed back the way I came. I noticed a few more footprints on the run back, and they were pretty far apart, so I knew someone else had to be out running too.
The snow picked up on the 2nd half of the run and I was hit by two slush splashes from cars who had more than enough room to move over so as not to splash me, but ignored it. I headed back down Peakland and up to the church, looked down at the Garmin and saw I had gone 5.55 miles, and decided to leave Gregg a quick note to tell him I was going to run the rest of the way down to Starbucks and that I'd see him there.
There wasn't any paper in the truck, so I tore a page out of the phone book, wrote my note, stuck it under the windshield wiper, and headed out. Just when I got to Starbucks, my watch hit 6.0 and I'm not going to lie, I am a girl who likes exactos.
So I headed inside, stretched and chatted, and waited for the guys.
When they arrived, we all got drinks (for me: a skinny vanilla latte, my usual) and I delighted in one of the tasty croissants (yum!). We hung around talking about rock climbing, kayaking, and running races...all of which I'm sure will involve my year in some way...then hit the road.
On our way out, I thought that it might be fun to stop at my sister, Meghan's house, so I gave her a buzz and invited Gregg and I over. My brother-in-law, Ed, answered and just so happened to be making pancakes, so he invited us to join them. My niece, Ella, who is the most adorable thing and says the funniest things (like, perhaps when she told Meghan that she wanted to work at a running store and when she visits me at work, has to help put shoes on my mom or sister) was excited to see us in the morning, and asked me to paint her toenails after she saw that mine were a lovely shade of hot pink (thanks to the pedicure last week).
After breakfast, we got dressed to play in the snow a little and Ella and I swung on the swing for awhile. She thought it was so fun, especially because we were so close to the ground to start.
Hurried home because I had to work (store was opened for a few hours today) and then spent the evening chilling with my Target and Dick's Sporting Goods...(okay, I'm not going to lie, I sometimes go there to spy).
It was a great day. Here's to a good habit.

I love this one Heather! I wish I was there to run with you this morning! I would have loved to!
ReplyDeleteGreat job Heather! Your experience is so encouraging. Keep having fun out there. That is what it is all about. You're incredible.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenny and Austin! :) I'm having fun...we should run sometime!
ReplyDeleteYeah and what constitutes good? There is always ALWAYS someone who is going to be better than you! So who cares? I think what you are doing is awesome and you should be proud of yourself! I'm sure you'll find your running group soon. Just give Austin a few more years and she will run with you...yall will be little old ladies trying to run in the snow someday!