Miles today: 3.1
Miles in 2010: 204.9
So about a week ago I told you that I was going to give up sweets for Lent. I celebrated my first Ash Wednesday with Gregg, and no sooner had I made my pledge to give up my ultimate nemesis, I cheated.
Yup...you got it. I'm going to be honest and tell you that just about everyday since last Wednesday, I've cheated on my Lenten promise. Now, I've had plenty of excuses, and many twists of what I really meant my Lenten sacrifice to be...but all twists and stretches aside, I just plain cheated.
Here's kind of how it went.
Wednesday, February 17: I ate a box of chocolate mint candies from Magnolia Foods...because they were in my purse from after Valentine's Day and I thought, "Well, I'll get rid of them now so I won't be tempted the rest of the time during Lent."
Thursday, February 18: I ate a piece of cake leftover from my birthday. It was in the fridge. I had to eat it. I told Gregg I'm changing my "giving up sweets" to "giving up candy."
Friday, February 19: Gregg and I went to Olive Garden for dinner with my birthday gift card. After our meal, I
really wanted dessert...but I resisted (mostly just because Gregg said he was giving up sweets when I made my Lent decision, so he wouldn't eat dessert with me...and what girl wants to eat dessert by herself?!) and then had a big ole temptation slapped down in front of me when the check came...the ever-loved and always desired Andes mints! I mean, is that even
fair?! So, I made the excuse that I had to eat it because of tradition and came up with something like:
"oh, you're allowed to skip your Lent sacrifice on Fridays..." and ate not one, but two Andes mints. There goes the: "give up candy" part of the Lenten sacrifice. BAD ME.
Saturday, Februray 20: First, I ate a powdered sugar donut at Josh's race at Snowflex, then after dinner, Gregg and I both ate a piece of leftover birthday cake (see, he didn't keep up with the promise either!)
Sunday, February 21: After church at Holy Cross, there's always a big ginormous plate of donuts sitting on a table as you go out the door. Can I ever resist those? You guessed it: NO. Did I resist this Sunday? NO! When we got to Bethesda, ate our Benihana, and made our way back to the hotel, you would've thought I'd be so full and wouldn't need any sweets, but for some strange reason, all of that salty food made me want need have to have some mini Oreos from CVS. I ate them right before bed...and yes, I brushed my teeth.
Monday, February 22: I did not eat sweets all day on Monday...I even stopped in a funky bakery in Bethesda that makes glorious cupcakes that I really wanted to taste, but I resisted. I made it through lunch...no sweets. Dinner at Panera...no sweets...impressive, huh?
Tuesday, February 23: After dinner, Gregg got me a piece of birthday cake. I didn't say no.
Wednesday, February 24: I was very bad today. I ate a donut from 7-11. That's a sweet. I can't give up sweets. Then when I got home, Gregg and I finished the cake from my birthday.
So now, here we are, I made it through day #53 of running...but I can't make it through day #8 without a darn sweet to eat. WHAT IS MY PROBLEM?!
Part of it might just be that Ash Wednesday this year just happened to fall about a week before my period, and you know that pretty much meant that I couldn't possibly go without sweets in the pre-menstrual week...but at the same time...I feel like I've given up on a lot more than just my waistline. I can't follow my promise to God to give up something...to sacrifice for Him. So, I need some accountability I suppose...and I'm going to try again. We'll see how it goes this time.
On a lighter, happier note...tonight after our wedding sesh with Anne, Gregg and I ran at Lynchburg College. It was rainy and yucky when we started, but it ended up being not so bad. We ran a mile around the track, a mile on campus, and then another mile on the track...and I even pushed it in the last mile. Gregg got my splits (and all you fasties out there, don't laugh at these...PW!)...something like 2:03, 2:00, 1:57, 1:52...which made me happy because I wasn't even trying that hard. Fast as fast can be...watch out when I start doing speed work, huh? Just kidding. I'm not fast...never will be. But I do like getting better, that's for sure.