Friday, January 8, 2010

short day

Miles today: 1.11
Miles in 2010: 24.1

Just an easy much to do...will write later.

A note to drivers: if you live on a side street that intersects with a main street, please, PLEASE, PLEASE always look BOTH ways when you're turning out onto the main street (for example: Lee Circle off Rivermont Avenue) I literally almost was plowed down by a woman who didn't even stop the whole way because all she did was look left and make a left turn without even looking right!?! Who does that? And if it's you, reader, then try to remember the famous line of your mother..."Don't cross the street until you look both ways." Thank you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Couldn't agree more! But, what is the runners etiquette for these side streets? Who has right away? I always thought that drivers that have the stop sign should yield to runners that are cruising down the side walk. But they don't. They nose their car out onto Rivermont causing the runner to go behind the car. Your Rivermont example is dead on. I get the evil driver glare at Rivermont and Langhorne. Being a runner makes me a more cautious driver. Maybe we need signs posted below the stop signs to watch for runners.
