Friday, January 29, 2010

pepper spray?

Miles today: 1.1
Miles this week: 18.1
Miles in 2010: 108.8

Yup. Listened to the guy (Gregg) who knows more than me and just ran a mile in the hood. Neighborhood, that is. My knee is still sore and a little swollen. Iced it after the run.

Heard that a girl was running on Boonsboro Road this week at 6am and was chased by a guy...she sprinted a mile back to her house and the guy couldn't catch her, but apparently he just slipped back into the woods...ugh.

I've always been pretty lackadaisical about running safety because I've always thought that no one would bother me...whether running alone or with someone. I often would run on Rivermont Avenue past Bedford Ave. all the way down to 5th Street downtown in the dark and think nothing of it. However, stories like the one above and advice from my fiancé encourage me to try not to run alone and to run in well-lit, safe places if I have to run at night.

Ladies...take your pepper spray.


  1. um that's really scary. where on boonsboro?

  2. I just read recently that wasp spray is even better to deter human creepies, well except that the can is big. The positives are that it has a long, long range so bad guys do not even have to get close to you. And it hurts worse than pepper spray. But again, the can is huge so keep it under the bed & by the front door!
