Miles today: 3.5
Miles this week: 3.5
Miles in 2010: the rest of the year + 3.5
Met Austin this morning at the Greek Church to run a few. Forgot that the path would be snowy, but we ran there anyway. We had some solid snow and solid ice patches, and then some completely clear patches. We were getting tired, though, dodging the crunchy parts, so we didn't run very far. Plus it was cold and windy.
The best part about the past two months...I know you're not going to believe this...but I gave up sweets. On Halloween, after eating as much candy from my niece's stash as possible, I decided that the next day, Monday, November 1st, would be a good day to give up sweets.
Gregg said it wasn't possible and that I shouldn't give up all sweets. It would be too much to quit cold turkey.
I disagreed. I knew I had to do it. I had to give up the sweets...all of them.
So on November 1st, I quit eating candy, cakes, cookies...anything that was sweet. And I made it my goal to get to Thanksgiving without a sweet. Then, if I made it to Thanksgiving, I'd be allowed to have sweets on just Thanksgiving Thursday, and then go back to no sweets.
Guess what?
I did it. I made it all the way to T-giving without a sweet. Then, after the Turkey Trot, I marched right into a little chocolate shop in Greensburg, bought some chocolate covered Oreos, strawberries, raspberries, and chocolate Oreo bark, and started my sweets day off right.
When I got home, I had only eaten some of the Oreo bark, so I shared my confections with the fam, and ate a chocolate covered Oreo (or two) throughout the day. After our big Thanksgiving extravaganza, I ate a piece of apple pie, and then said good-night and good-bye again to the sweets of the world.
Since then, I continued on my no-sweets trend into December, with Christmas Day being the only day I would be allowed sweets. I did have a minor mess-up one night at Mi Patron a few weeks ago (I forgot and bought a York peppermint patty by accident and ate it)...but other than that, haven't eaten any sweets. Pretty good, huh?
I'm proud of myself. It's the first time ever in my life I've been able to do it. And it's really really hard.
Kind of like training for a marathon...maybe I'll do one in 2011?!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
the Steelers Vs. the Jets
Miles today: 5.4
Miles this week: 28.8
Miles in 2010: a lot
This morning I met Austin and Alexis at Isabella's for the Sunday run. J.C., Jonathan, Gary, and Gregg met and started the run with us.
We headed up Old Boonsboro Road like usual. The girls and I turned around at 2.75 because Alexis' knee was bothering her. The snow on the sidewalks was also still a bit of a pain, so we didn't really want to run too far. We talked a lot about running and our 2011 goals. Mine will be referenced in an upcoming blog.
After we got back to the parking lot, Gregg and I headed home and got ready to meet Austin and her brother at church. We stopped at Starlight afterwards for breakfast, like usual, and then Gregg dropped me off at work (we were open today from 12-5 for special Sunday shopping hours...turned out to be worth it, too!) After work, Gregg and I went to John and Sarah's to watch the Steelers/Jets match-up. That, of course, is a big game in the Cavaliere house. Gregg, being a Jets fan, and me, being a Steelers fan, makes for a pretty good gameday.
Well, we all know the outcome...that the Jets beat the Steelers and that I was pretty bummed. My Facebook status said something like this before the game: Today determines the power in the Cavaliere household. Steelers win, Heather is queen for the rest of 2010. Jets win, Gregg thinks he's king.
Well the Steelers lost. Thanks a lot Steelers. Gregg's been in charge ever since.
Miles this week: 28.8
Miles in 2010: a lot
This morning I met Austin and Alexis at Isabella's for the Sunday run. J.C., Jonathan, Gary, and Gregg met and started the run with us.
We headed up Old Boonsboro Road like usual. The girls and I turned around at 2.75 because Alexis' knee was bothering her. The snow on the sidewalks was also still a bit of a pain, so we didn't really want to run too far. We talked a lot about running and our 2011 goals. Mine will be referenced in an upcoming blog.
After we got back to the parking lot, Gregg and I headed home and got ready to meet Austin and her brother at church. We stopped at Starlight afterwards for breakfast, like usual, and then Gregg dropped me off at work (we were open today from 12-5 for special Sunday shopping hours...turned out to be worth it, too!) After work, Gregg and I went to John and Sarah's to watch the Steelers/Jets match-up. That, of course, is a big game in the Cavaliere house. Gregg, being a Jets fan, and me, being a Steelers fan, makes for a pretty good gameday.

Well the Steelers lost. Thanks a lot Steelers. Gregg's been in charge ever since.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Jingle Bell Jog

Miles this week: 23.4
Miles in 2010: a lot
I've been doing the Jingle Bell Jog for the past 4 or 5 years. It's come to be one of my favorite Christmas time events.
Every year, on the Saturday before Christmas, Riverside Runners hosts this 3-5 mile run at our store.
What started as just about 25 people (Jeff says, I wasn't there) has grown to a 150+ person event. Guests bring baked goods, we provide hot chocolate, Gatorade, and water as well as door prizes, music, and a fully dressed running Santa! It's so fun. The best part is the parade of costumed runners running down the Avenue at 8:30 that morning.
I think my friend Sarah D. said it best: To Heather and all of the runners; It sure made my day to see all of the festive, costumed runners out this morning as I made my way back and forth down the Avenue to the City Market. I wished I had been out there running. Thanks for an unexpected and humorous Christmas Parade!
I met up with my buds Stacey and Austin to run, but since both Austin and I had to work, we only ran 4 of the 5 miles so we could get back to the store.
The event was a huge success...tons of people, lots of cookies, and great door prizes. Jeff even got a bunch of shirts screened to hand out for FREE! to the participants who dressed with holiday cheer.
fun run,
Jingle Bell Jog,
Riverside Runners,
Friday, December 17, 2010
running barely a mile so I can go to Mi Patron for the 2nd night in a row
Miles today: 1.6
Miles this week: 19.4
Miles in 2010: I don't know, I stink at recording
Today I ran 1.6 miles really quick so I could meet Gregg, John, and Sarah at Mi Patron.
Yes, I know what you're Heather obsessed with Mexican?
Welp, the answer is...yes. I am obsessed with Mexican food. I actually have been ordering the same thing from any Mexican restaurant used to be La Carreta...and I would always get 3 soft tacos (beef) with a side of sour cream and pico de gallo. Ask Sarah she would vouch for me. That's what I always got. Then, for awhile, I changed to three crunchy tacos.
Well, ever since the Ten Miler, when we out to Mi Patron with our friends, the Kellehers, and I learned about a dish (shown above) called Tampico Special, that's all I want. And I kind of want to eat it a lot.
Gregg and I both know it's not good to eat out a lot.
#1: it's expensive.
#2: it's not that healthy.
But we both really like Mexican at Mi Patron, and Mi Patron has brought Mexican to a whole new level.
So anyway, I ran a mile and a half or so after work tonight because I wanted to get done fast, it was cold, and I knew it was a Mexican night. (Yes, I know...we had Mexican last night...)
After my run, I met everyone at Mi Patron and ordered my usual (split it with Gregg).
I think I may know why I've really enjoyed Mexican the past few months...I'll talk more about it in a later blog, but it may have something to do with giving up sweets after Halloween.
Miles this week: 19.4
Miles in 2010: I don't know, I stink at recording
Today I ran 1.6 miles really quick so I could meet Gregg, John, and Sarah at Mi Patron.
Yes, I know what you're Heather obsessed with Mexican?
Welp, the answer is...yes. I am obsessed with Mexican food. I actually have been ordering the same thing from any Mexican restaurant used to be La Carreta...and I would always get 3 soft tacos (beef) with a side of sour cream and pico de gallo. Ask Sarah she would vouch for me. That's what I always got. Then, for awhile, I changed to three crunchy tacos.
Well, ever since the Ten Miler, when we out to Mi Patron with our friends, the Kellehers, and I learned about a dish (shown above) called Tampico Special, that's all I want. And I kind of want to eat it a lot.
Gregg and I both know it's not good to eat out a lot.
#1: it's expensive.
#2: it's not that healthy.
But we both really like Mexican at Mi Patron, and Mi Patron has brought Mexican to a whole new level.
So anyway, I ran a mile and a half or so after work tonight because I wanted to get done fast, it was cold, and I knew it was a Mexican night. (Yes, I know...we had Mexican last night...)
After my run, I met everyone at Mi Patron and ordered my usual (split it with Gregg).
I think I may know why I've really enjoyed Mexican the past few months...I'll talk more about it in a later blog, but it may have something to do with giving up sweets after Halloween.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
snow day
Miles today: 3.04
Miles this week: 17.8
Miles in 2010: a lot
Well, I didn't think it was going to snow. The weathermen (who are never right) kept saying we could get anywhere from an inch to 12...I didn't believe any of it. So when I went to bed last night, my expecations were none for snow.
I woke up at 6 with Gregg getting ready for work, asked if there was snow, heard there wasn't, and went back to sleep. At 7, before he left for work, he mentioned that it had started to snow.
Still thinking nothing more would come of it, I kept sleeping. At 8, when I got up, there was snow on the ground. I figured I'd run later when there was more snow, so I started to work on my blog (from last week) and tried to answer some of my 300-something unanswered emails.
When I looked outside again at 9am, the snow was coming down harder. I gave Jeff a call to see if the store was going to open, and he said that we were going to open, but that I could tell everyone else to stay home and that I just needed to come in when I rush.
So, I got ready, cleaned off my car, still expecting minimal snow on the roads, and ventured off. When I made it out of my neighborhood fairly easy, I knew everything else would be fine. When I got to Wiggington the story was different. Jeff called a little after ten while I was on my way to work and said to go home, the roads were too bad. I quickly saw why. My car kept sliding off the road almost into ditches. I knew I needed to turn around, but my car kept going off the road and there was nowhere to turn around. I thought Gregg was going to have to drag me out of a ditch, but I found a turn-around spot, headed back home, and cuddled up under the covers to get warm.
All day, I tried really hard to meet Stacey for a run. We were going to try to run ten miles (5 to meet each other, then 5 back to my house) but I was just too tired and too much of a bum and hoping that Gregg would come home from work early.
Miles this week: 17.8
Miles in 2010: a lot
Well, I didn't think it was going to snow. The weathermen (who are never right) kept saying we could get anywhere from an inch to 12...I didn't believe any of it. So when I went to bed last night, my expecations were none for snow.
I woke up at 6 with Gregg getting ready for work, asked if there was snow, heard there wasn't, and went back to sleep. At 7, before he left for work, he mentioned that it had started to snow.
Still thinking nothing more would come of it, I kept sleeping. At 8, when I got up, there was snow on the ground. I figured I'd run later when there was more snow, so I started to work on my blog (from last week) and tried to answer some of my 300-something unanswered emails.
When I looked outside again at 9am, the snow was coming down harder. I gave Jeff a call to see if the store was going to open, and he said that we were going to open, but that I could tell everyone else to stay home and that I just needed to come in when I rush.
So, I got ready, cleaned off my car, still expecting minimal snow on the roads, and ventured off. When I made it out of my neighborhood fairly easy, I knew everything else would be fine. When I got to Wiggington the story was different. Jeff called a little after ten while I was on my way to work and said to go home, the roads were too bad. I quickly saw why. My car kept sliding off the road almost into ditches. I knew I needed to turn around, but my car kept going off the road and there was nowhere to turn around. I thought Gregg was going to have to drag me out of a ditch, but I found a turn-around spot, headed back home, and cuddled up under the covers to get warm.
All day, I tried really hard to meet Stacey for a run. We were going to try to run ten miles (5 to meet each other, then 5 back to my house) but I was just too tired and too much of a bum and hoping that Gregg would come home from work early.
Gregg didn't come home early, and I procrastinated my run until about 4:30. I finally got dressed and headed outside to run and started slipping all over the place. I ran in my Saucony ProGrid Razors (waterproof boot running shoes) and by the time I hit Wiggington, the road was slushy instead of slippery, so I was glad I had those on. My run was a short 3 mile trek, but it was hard on my legs because snow running is always harder than dry running. When I got home, I showered and then begged Gregg to drive me to Mi Patron for dinner (where I'm currently obsessed with the Tampico Special: chicken, rice, and cheese sauce served with tortilla chips...YUMMO!). We headed to dinner, stopped at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for coffee for the Keurig, and then headed home. I wasn't very productive today, but it felt good to have a day to myself.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Po Fo Run
Miles today: 5.6
Miles this week: 14.7
Miles in 2010: a lot
Austin and I met in Wyndhurst to run the Poplar Forest Loop (or as some folks I know call it: the Heather Loop). We start at the Jamerson YMCA, head up Enterprise Drive, take a left on Homestead to Bateman Bridge Road, then continue down BB to the back entrance (gravel road) of Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest.
We run across the Poplar Forest campus, make a left onto Poplar Forest Road, then a right on Wellington, a right on Crossway, straight onto Rainbow Forest Drive to Laxton, and then a left back to Enterprise Drive.
The run is super hilly, with one big hill going up Enterprise at the beginning, one on Homestead, a big hill at Poplar Forest, and a big climb up Laxton Road in Rainbow Forest.
It's tough, but it's a great run and I love showing it to people. Austin and I had a great time (and there weren't any dogs which made it nice.
Miles this week: 14.7
Miles in 2010: a lot
Austin and I met in Wyndhurst to run the Poplar Forest Loop (or as some folks I know call it: the Heather Loop). We start at the Jamerson YMCA, head up Enterprise Drive, take a left on Homestead to Bateman Bridge Road, then continue down BB to the back entrance (gravel road) of Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest.
We run across the Poplar Forest campus, make a left onto Poplar Forest Road, then a right on Wellington, a right on Crossway, straight onto Rainbow Forest Drive to Laxton, and then a left back to Enterprise Drive.
The run is super hilly, with one big hill going up Enterprise at the beginning, one on Homestead, a big hill at Poplar Forest, and a big climb up Laxton Road in Rainbow Forest.
It's tough, but it's a great run and I love showing it to people. Austin and I had a great time (and there weren't any dogs which made it nice.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Destination Running
Miles today: 4.35
Miles this week: 9.1
Miles in 2010: a lot
Tonight was the last meeting of the Lynchburg Road Runners for 2010. As tradition dictates, once again we voted for new officers and discussed ideas for the upcoming year.
It has become my semi-tradition to run to the LRR club meeting at Monte Carlo's each month. So, my good bud Austin (I told you I'd talk about her a lot) dropped off her car at the restaurant and met me at the store so that we could run together to the meeting.
For some reason, one of my favorite ways to run this year has become running to a destination. Running to LRRC meetings and running to Lowe's in Madison Heights were two of my destination runs. I like the feeling of running somewhere and having gotten there by foot. It's kind of walking to the store when you live in the city, or getting around without a car for awhile.
Anyway, Austin and I got in a little over 4 miles and then I headed into the meeting and she headed home.
Miles this week: 9.1
Miles in 2010: a lot
Tonight was the last meeting of the Lynchburg Road Runners for 2010. As tradition dictates, once again we voted for new officers and discussed ideas for the upcoming year.
It has become my semi-tradition to run to the LRR club meeting at Monte Carlo's each month. So, my good bud Austin (I told you I'd talk about her a lot) dropped off her car at the restaurant and met me at the store so that we could run together to the meeting.
For some reason, one of my favorite ways to run this year has become running to a destination. Running to LRRC meetings and running to Lowe's in Madison Heights were two of my destination runs. I like the feeling of running somewhere and having gotten there by foot. It's kind of walking to the store when you live in the city, or getting around without a car for awhile.
Anyway, Austin and I got in a little over 4 miles and then I headed into the meeting and she headed home.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Austin's Home
Miles today: 4.75
Miles this week: 4.75
Miles in 2010: the rest of the year before today + 4.75
Austin came home from school for Christmas this weekend and I didn't get to see her until tonight. Isn't it appropriate that our first get-together would be meeting in front of Riverside Runners for a run?
We met around 6:30 after I finished at work. I had changed in the basement, so when I came upstairs, Rachel, Claire, and Austin were all near the front desk chatting.
They turned around to say hey to me and as they did, I think they all said in unison, are you crazy!?
See, the thing was, I forgot tights or pants when I left the house this morning and all I had grabbed was a pair of shorts. Now, the weather outside has been pretty frightful, and today/tonight was no different. In fact, earlier, when I had opened the front door to grab the mail, the icy wind blew in and rattled all the clothes on the racks and almost knocked me over.
I knew it was going to be cold. I just didn't feel like going all the way home to get tights. Austin asked, are you sure? I don't mind. But I said I'd brave the cold with my legs hanging out of my shorts and that I would be fine.
We got our stuff together, opened the front door, and I felt that cold, icy wind again. It was like I had nothing on my bottom at all. Oh well, I knew I'd warm up.
Austin and I ran our usual: out Rivermont to Peakland, down Peakland to the end and then back to the store. By the time we got to the First Christian Church, my legs were numb and I couldn't feel the icy wind anymore. On top of that, just being with Austin and having someone to run with made the time go by quickly and the weather was almost out of mind. It was convenient, too, because in the past year of running I've acquired a great pain in my right heel/achilles/calf...some kind of bursitis or achilles tendonitis or the icy wind also numbed my heel and I could run hard and what felt like fast (Austin is faster than me). I'm looking forward to running with her through the end of Project 3-6-5 (she'll be home until almost the end of the year!) Yipee!
Miles this week: 4.75
Miles in 2010: the rest of the year before today + 4.75
Austin came home from school for Christmas this weekend and I didn't get to see her until tonight. Isn't it appropriate that our first get-together would be meeting in front of Riverside Runners for a run?
We met around 6:30 after I finished at work. I had changed in the basement, so when I came upstairs, Rachel, Claire, and Austin were all near the front desk chatting.
They turned around to say hey to me and as they did, I think they all said in unison, are you crazy!?
See, the thing was, I forgot tights or pants when I left the house this morning and all I had grabbed was a pair of shorts. Now, the weather outside has been pretty frightful, and today/tonight was no different. In fact, earlier, when I had opened the front door to grab the mail, the icy wind blew in and rattled all the clothes on the racks and almost knocked me over.
I knew it was going to be cold. I just didn't feel like going all the way home to get tights. Austin asked, are you sure? I don't mind. But I said I'd brave the cold with my legs hanging out of my shorts and that I would be fine.
We got our stuff together, opened the front door, and I felt that cold, icy wind again. It was like I had nothing on my bottom at all. Oh well, I knew I'd warm up.
Austin and I ran our usual: out Rivermont to Peakland, down Peakland to the end and then back to the store. By the time we got to the First Christian Church, my legs were numb and I couldn't feel the icy wind anymore. On top of that, just being with Austin and having someone to run with made the time go by quickly and the weather was almost out of mind. It was convenient, too, because in the past year of running I've acquired a great pain in my right heel/achilles/calf...some kind of bursitis or achilles tendonitis or the icy wind also numbed my heel and I could run hard and what felt like fast (Austin is faster than me). I'm looking forward to running with her through the end of Project 3-6-5 (she'll be home until almost the end of the year!) Yipee!
cold weather,
Riverside Runners,
Sunday, December 12, 2010
the weather was horrible and we were lazy
Miles today: 1.15
Miles this week: 22.9
Miles in 2010: yipes
My plan was to run a good 6 miles this morning. That didn't happen. We woke up to a drizzly/rainy/ugly/gray/cloudy/foggy morning. We didn't run.
Then we got ready for church and picked up my niece, Ella, who we babysat this morning. We took her to church with us, went to Market on Main for brunch, then back home.
Gregg didn't feel good when we got home so we spent the day being lazy, reading the paper, and doing nothing.
I didn't run until about 8:00 in the evening, and by this time I didn't want to run at all. So I suited up for the good ole Mullbury Mile and ran around the neighborhood. Just to get that mile in.
Miles this week: 22.9
Miles in 2010: yipes
My plan was to run a good 6 miles this morning. That didn't happen. We woke up to a drizzly/rainy/ugly/gray/cloudy/foggy morning. We didn't run.
Then we got ready for church and picked up my niece, Ella, who we babysat this morning. We took her to church with us, went to Market on Main for brunch, then back home.
Gregg didn't feel good when we got home so we spent the day being lazy, reading the paper, and doing nothing.
I didn't run until about 8:00 in the evening, and by this time I didn't want to run at all. So I suited up for the good ole Mullbury Mile and ran around the neighborhood. Just to get that mile in.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
sometimes your run just feels awful
Miles today: 4.05
Miles this week: 21.8
Miles in 2010: a lot
I worked at the store today, and then afterwards went for a run. I ran from the store through Riverside Park and then down to the Baptist Hospital and back to the store.
My run was really crappy.
I felt like I was running with a load of bricks inside. Maybe that was cause we had Pizza Hut pan pizza for lunch at the store. Not sure.
But let me just say this...
I am very thankful for the side entrance to the VBH on Oak Lane. It's near the chapel in the front of the hospital. Anyway, that bathroom has come in handy on more than one occasion.
Miles this week: 21.8
Miles in 2010: a lot
I worked at the store today, and then afterwards went for a run. I ran from the store through Riverside Park and then down to the Baptist Hospital and back to the store.
My run was really crappy.
I felt like I was running with a load of bricks inside. Maybe that was cause we had Pizza Hut pan pizza for lunch at the store. Not sure.
But let me just say this...
I am very thankful for the side entrance to the VBH on Oak Lane. It's near the chapel in the front of the hospital. Anyway, that bathroom has come in handy on more than one occasion.
On another note, tonight after my run, Gregg and I went to the AREVA Christmas party. That's us. I look like a man.
Friday, December 10, 2010
5 months
Miles today: 2.0
Miles this week: 17.7
Miles in 2010: someday I'll know
5 months ago today, Gregg and I tied the knot. Half the reason that the blog fell apart in March and just came back now...but a good reason if any. Today was super cold out and we were going to celebrate our 5 month landmark with a night at Mi Patron, our new favorite Mexican restaurant (yes, way better than La Carreta) with our friends, John and Sarah, but of course I didn't fit my run in before work, so at 6, I still needed to run.
Ended up staying at work until 7:15ish talking with Jeff, so I didn't get to run until 7:30. Oops. Anyway, the wind was so strong and the temperature was in the 20s, so I ran a short 2-mile up and back on Rivermont, then hurried off to Mi Patron to meet Gregg, John, and Sarah.
Now, this may not be my wife-iest feature...but I definitely tend to do things (i.e. go grocery shopping, out to dinner, to friends' houses) after running after work because I don't want to take the time to go home and shower. Today was one of these occasions. Right after my run I parked in a space outside of Mi patron, changed in the car, and then met everyone inside. No make-up, no new deoderant...just me on our 5 month anniversary. Super romantic, huh?
Anyway, I wanted to post a few pics from our wedding that make me smile big. Here goes:
Miles this week: 17.7
Miles in 2010: someday I'll know
5 months ago today, Gregg and I tied the knot. Half the reason that the blog fell apart in March and just came back now...but a good reason if any. Today was super cold out and we were going to celebrate our 5 month landmark with a night at Mi Patron, our new favorite Mexican restaurant (yes, way better than La Carreta) with our friends, John and Sarah, but of course I didn't fit my run in before work, so at 6, I still needed to run.
Ended up staying at work until 7:15ish talking with Jeff, so I didn't get to run until 7:30. Oops. Anyway, the wind was so strong and the temperature was in the 20s, so I ran a short 2-mile up and back on Rivermont, then hurried off to Mi Patron to meet Gregg, John, and Sarah.
Now, this may not be my wife-iest feature...but I definitely tend to do things (i.e. go grocery shopping, out to dinner, to friends' houses) after running after work because I don't want to take the time to go home and shower. Today was one of these occasions. Right after my run I parked in a space outside of Mi patron, changed in the car, and then met everyone inside. No make-up, no new deoderant...just me on our 5 month anniversary. Super romantic, huh?
Anyway, I wanted to post a few pics from our wedding that make me smile big. Here goes:
Thursday, December 9, 2010
wendy storey
Miles today: 5.0
Miles this week: 15.7
Miles in 2010: 1000+
Way to go Wendy, you've been a huge inspiration to me and many others! Keep on running!
Miles this week: 15.7
Miles in 2010: 1000+
Today I ran 5 miles with my hubster from Boonsboro Shopping Center. It was cold. Nothing exciting happened like yesterday. However, I forgot to mention that yesterday at the end of my run, I caught up with a lady I know, Wendy Storey, and ran a few paces down the Enterprise Road hill toward the Y with her. She was finishing up her 5 miles as well and we got in a quick chat.
Her name is Wendy Storey. She's pretty much amazing. She's lost a lot of weight in the past year or so by changing her lifestyle and starting to run. It's pretty awesome to see how much better she feels about herself, the energy she has, and the encouragement she's given. She and a friend, Sandy, have stuck with their running and exercise plans even when I'm sure it wasn't easy. She completed her first half marathon in August (the Lynchburg Half) and she's not stopping.
Yesterday, when I saw her running in Wyndhurst, I couldn't get over the fact that she was out running in the bitter cold alone and not giving it a second thought. It made me feel very proud.
The pictures here show her (on the left in both photos) before she started running and then this summer after she'd lost a ton of weight. She looks like two different people. Doesn't it feel you with joy to see her accomplishments? It does me.
Way to go Wendy, you've been a huge inspiration to me and many others! Keep on running!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Baking Cookies & Blasted Dogs
Miles this week: 10.7
Miles in 2010: over 1000?
Today was a very special day. I had kinda been waiting for this day for a long time. Ever since Shelley started working at L'Arche, she told me a lot about the people she works with and how much personality they have.
Well Shelley and I have recently rekindled our running relationship, and so we finally made the plans for me to come over to L'Arche and help bake Christmas cookies. Appropriately so, since I own about 4 million bottles of sprinkles, have a great buttercream frosting recipe, and can use my lovely glacier ice blue KitchenAid stand mixer to mix it.
So I gathered up my sprinkles, cookie cutters, and that yummy buttercream frosting I made early this morning and I headed over to L'Arche to help Shelley and the rest of the L'Arche crew.
There is much to be said about people with disabilities. Working with people who have physical or mental handicaps (or both) is pretty much an experience that everyone should have at least once. I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with handicapped folks at a camp back in Pennsylvania ten or so years ago. The camp was a week-long, overnight camp called "Discovery Camp" where a bunch of us were counselors and the campers were these amazing people who were all handicapped in some way. Let me just tell you...that week each summer (I did it a couple of summers) was the most fun, full-of-laughs, hilarious, warm, and fulfilling week of those summers. We would sing songs from musicals, make s'mores at the campfire, and share Jesus in the afternoons. It really was a heck of an experience.
Anyway, back to L'Arche.
Shelley and I looked up a sugar cut-out cookie recipe when I got there. The first one said to refrigerate the dough for 2 hours, so that one was out. The 2nd one said you needed almond extract, which I forgot to bring. So, we just went with that one anyway because there was nothing about chilling the dough. Used a little extra vanilla in place of the almond extract and went on our way.
Cass and Kristen, two of the residents at L'Arche were our main helpers.
Cass and I met one day when Shelley brought her to the store (RR if you forgot) in October. Cass is pretty much hilarious. She now calls me my Heather and did this black lady soulful voice kinda yelling thing when I came into the house today. Oh my love! I love you, my Heatha!
Or something like that.
Well, if that doesn't automatically make you feel loved, I don't know what will.
Well, if that doesn't automatically make you feel loved, I don't know what will.
What was great about the cookie making was that I learned some new things. First off, don't tease Cass. And if she's around, you probably shouldn't be playing Christmas music either. It puts her in a bad mood. She says everyone plays Christmas music too much and too early. Especially before Thanksgiving.
Another thing I learned was that there are some pretty cool inventions out there to help people who don't have much control of their hands, muscles, body in general. For instance, Kristen, who has CP (cerebal palsy) and probably a whole host of other things I don't know about or understand, is in a wheel chair, has little control of her body and limbs, and has a hard time talking. She's an awesome girl, in her early twenties, and totally wanted to help us with cookies.
So after Cass dumped flour and other ingredients into our mixing bowl, and then stormed off because of the Christmas music, Kristen helped us with the mixing.
Since she pretty much has no ability to hold a spoon and mix something, she wasn't going to hand mix the ingredients. But she does have this awesome thing that Shelley called her buttons that helps her with electrical appliance so that she can control them. Basically, you plug the buttons into the wall, and then plug your appliance into the buttons. You turn on the little adapter, and then you give Kristen this button thing that is powered by her touch. Your mixer is attached to the buttons adapter, and then Kristen presses her button, and that starts the mixer going. It's totally cool. So Kristen did most of the mixing while we scraped the bowl, and pretty soon we had dough that didn't look half bad. The button kind of looked like this, but not. Kristen giggled a lot when we used the buttons to mix the dough. It was adorable.
Then we looked back at the recipe and it said, chill dough for two hours. WHAT!!?!?!? We could've sworn that was the other recipe. So, we stuck it in the freezer for 15 minutes, and then got it back out, rolled the dough, and started cutting cookies. It was a blast. Kristen helped. We baked the cookies, burned none, and then let them cool.

A little bit later we got out the icing and sprinkles and went to work. You'll see above and to the right how they turned out. Super success.
This is me and Kristen with some of our finished products. She was pretty proud and so was I.
Right about when we finished up with decorating was when the boys of the house showed up...Tommy and Darren were all interested in the cookies all of a sudden because they wanted to eat them. Who wouldn't? That's Tommy and Darren in the pic with the ladies. Aren't they presh?
So, I've done no blogging today about my actual run, but there was a reason that I chose to write about L'Arche first. I just think it makes you appreciate things and see life from a different perspective. And maybe that's one thing I've enjoyed all year about this running everyday thing...learning about new people and new perspectives. I just like the richness of that.
My run today was awesome except for the blasted dogs. It seems that I don't have very good dog luck. Don't get me wrong, there are certain dogs that I love. My friends Sarah and Ryan have a Newf named Hank who I love. He is now on the West Coast with them in Newport, but he is a great dog. Even if he is running toward you.
My friends John and Sarah have two black labs, Duchess and Bruno, who are amazing. I'll let them lick me, slobber me, jump on me--no problems.
I like some other dogs, too.
But this year has been hard on me with some other dogs. I am now very afraid of any unknown dogs that come toward me. After the neighborhood dog incident that started in May (I think) with a dog I now know as "Boogie" (who names their dog that!?!?), I have not been the same around strange dogs.
Today's run can be included in the blasted dogs experience.
After baking at L'Arche, I sat around a lot and rested my bones. Then I decided to go for a run at 4:30. I was supposed to go on this same run at 6:15am, but I didn't wake up in time for that, so I headed out to the Jamerson YMCA and parked my car and geared up for a run up Enterprise Drive, down Bateman Bridge, through Poplar Forest, and around Wellington and Laxton Roads.
After baking at L'Arche, I sat around a lot and rested my bones. Then I decided to go for a run at 4:30. I was supposed to go on this same run at 6:15am, but I didn't wake up in time for that, so I headed out to the Jamerson YMCA and parked my car and geared up for a run up Enterprise Drive, down Bateman Bridge, through Poplar Forest, and around Wellington and Laxton Roads.
Everything was going fine. It was cold, but I wore my bright neon green Essential Run Jacket from Brooks and headed toward Poplar Forest. As I made the left turn onto the gravel road that leads to PoFo, I noticed two trucks (which inevitably meant there were people walking or people walking with dogs out there). I immediately had a passing thought to watch out for dogs because most people who walk dogs out there don't use leashes.
As I continued another quarter mile on the gravel road, I could see up ahead a man and two tiny dogs. But as I continued, I could also see that the man didn't have leashes but that the dogs were kind of following where he went. Like a nice guy would, he moved over to my right into the grass as I came up to him. His dogs followed. But then the dogs saw me, and started running towards me. The one dog which was closer was heading straight for me and it was barking and growling loudly. The man was yelling, Stop! Stop! but the dog wasn't listening. As the dog came to my feet, he was just inches away from me barking, snarling and jumping. I, of course, was stopped dead in my tracks, standing paralyzed with fear from this stupid little dog that probably wouldn't hardly harm me even if he did bite. I could have probably kicked it and sent it flying. But I was too scared.
And as the man walked up to me, he said, It's okay, he won't do anything to you. and he started laughing.
I'm not kidding.
What the heck?
I didn't think it was very funny. I was about to cry. And he was laughing.
Well you can imagine that what followed was me not laughing. It was me yelling. I did not like the idea of the man laughing at me and how I reacted to his dumb dog.
I yelled at him and said, you think this is funny!? Then I said a choice word. Then I said something about how his awful dog should be on a leash. Then I used the choice word again.
He didn't laugh anymore. He actually said nothing.
I hope he felt bad. Because really, I don't think I should have to feel that much fear for doing absolutely nothing wrong while running through a pretty little farmland field. Ya know?
He didn't laugh anymore. He actually said nothing.
I hope he felt bad. Because really, I don't think I should have to feel that much fear for doing absolutely nothing wrong while running through a pretty little farmland field. Ya know?
My run continued on with nothing special. I ran a good 5+ mile trek and headed back to my car, still a bit fired up about the man and his dog.
Oh well. Dogs are part of running apparently.
Oh well. Dogs are part of running apparently.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
baby it's cold outside
Miles today: 3.0
Miles this week: 5.0
Miles in 2010: i give up
refer to 1:46 to see a clip from the song "Baby, It's Cold Outside" which I can't seem to get out of my head.
possibly because it's been so darn cold.
I met Shelley for a run this morning at Percival's Island. It was pretty cold. I wore long tights for the first time since the Old Man came to visit.
I also was wearing these:
which might just be my favoritest running gloves ever.
Now, you are reading about someone who typically wore gloves that you get from the dollar store (those little knit one-size-fits-all shrink-up and not fit between your fingers and feel the wind when it blows gloves) so any glove would definitely be an improvement.
However, I got these gloves from Riverside Runners sometime in 2009 and I have to say that they are surely the most amazing little trinkets ever.
They are made by Saucony and they're called the "Ulti-Mitt" haha...get it...the "ultimate" running glove/mitten!
Features include:
The glove has been updated and is now called the Ulti-Mitt II. Biggest change is that the LED light is now rechargeable in a USB port on a computer. How great is that? (the old model just would need a new watch-size battery).
We have some at the store and I just ordered some more. Check them out. They'll be in by Friday, December 17, they make great gifts, and they're only $40.00. Come in two colors: black and blaze orange (vizi-pro).
Back to the run: Shelley and I ran on the blackwater creek trail at Percival's and it was cold. We had great conversation...I'm pumped too because I'm going to her work tomorrow (L'Arche) to bake cookies with her peeps. Should be a blast.
Miles this week: 5.0
Miles in 2010: i give up
refer to 1:46 to see a clip from the song "Baby, It's Cold Outside" which I can't seem to get out of my head.
possibly because it's been so darn cold.
I met Shelley for a run this morning at Percival's Island. It was pretty cold. I wore long tights for the first time since the Old Man came to visit.
I also was wearing these:
which might just be my favoritest running gloves ever.
Now, you are reading about someone who typically wore gloves that you get from the dollar store (those little knit one-size-fits-all shrink-up and not fit between your fingers and feel the wind when it blows gloves) so any glove would definitely be an improvement.
However, I got these gloves from Riverside Runners sometime in 2009 and I have to say that they are surely the most amazing little trinkets ever.
They are made by Saucony and they're called the "Ulti-Mitt" haha...get it...the "ultimate" running glove/mitten!
Features include:
- 5-finger gloves that have a fingertip opening in both the thumb and index finger (great for touch phones, tying shoes, picking nose, etc. so you don't have to take off your whole glove.
- a wind-resistant mitten shell that stows in a pocket on the back of each hand or pulls out to create an extra mitten layer over your glove layer (great for the beginning of the run to warm up and then tuck away once your hands get warm).
- an L.E.D. light in a little pocket on the back of one glove that goes from steady to blinking to "off" and provides just enough light for you to see if you need to find your keys, for someone else to see you when you're running at night, or even if you're scared of a dog and you need to light the path ahead so you can see it as it runs up to maul you.
- a fleecy-soft panel on the top of your hand that's made for a dripping nose. (literally, you can wipe your nose on it)
- fasteners that clip together so you can store your gloves as a pair (you all know you lose gloves if they don't stay together...they're just like socks and we all have a sock cemetery)
- reflectivity panels
The glove has been updated and is now called the Ulti-Mitt II. Biggest change is that the LED light is now rechargeable in a USB port on a computer. How great is that? (the old model just would need a new watch-size battery).
We have some at the store and I just ordered some more. Check them out. They'll be in by Friday, December 17, they make great gifts, and they're only $40.00. Come in two colors: black and blaze orange (vizi-pro).
Back to the run: Shelley and I ran on the blackwater creek trail at Percival's and it was cold. We had great conversation...I'm pumped too because I'm going to her work tomorrow (L'Arche) to bake cookies with her peeps. Should be a blast.
Monday, December 6, 2010
i need a balaclava
Miles today: 2.0
Miles this week: 2.0
Miles in 2010: bah!
It looks as though Old Man Winter is here in Lynchburg and I'm pretty sure he's here to stay.
December has become cold, frigid, and windy! What fun...
I've resorted to doing a little research on my next gear purchase...the BALACLAVA.
Maybe it's the fact that putting one of these on might give you an uncanny resemblance to a bank robber.
Miles this week: 2.0
Miles in 2010: bah!
It looks as though Old Man Winter is here in Lynchburg and I'm pretty sure he's here to stay.
December has become cold, frigid, and windy! What fun...
I've resorted to doing a little research on my next gear purchase...the BALACLAVA.
No, I'm not talking about baklava like Genie mentions at 00:56 seconds in "Friend Like Me" from the movie Aladdin.
I'm talking about one of these:
Gregg has one. We sell them at Riverside Runners. But I don't own one.
Maybe it's the fact that putting one of these on might give you an uncanny resemblance to a bank robber.
Or maybe it's because I'm not really into the idea of my breathing/spit/snot coming back to me by staying really close in the fabric at my nose/mouth.
Whatever it is, I just don't own one of these yet.
But today's run in the bitter 20-degree cold with wind whipping at my already chapped/cracking lips has me seriously thinking...
Do I need a balaclava?
Sunday, December 5, 2010
snow and ice
Miles today: 4.0
Miles this week: 27.6
Miles in 2010: brrrr!Sundays are traditionally 7:30am runs from the parking lot next to Isabella's in Boonsboro Shopping Center. I've grown accustomed to getting up early on Sunday mornings with Gregg and heading down to Boonsboro for a run. Most of the time, I run alone. Gregg meets up with Jonathan, JC, and sometimes others and we all run the first mile together, and then they speed up and go on for another 7 (all the way down to Riverside Park) and I chug along at my slower pace.
Today, though, we ran into trouble from last night's grumpy snow storm. Although it was beautiful during the day and fun at night during the Lynchburg Christmas parade (that's my niece Ella and her buddy Lance at the parade), we ran into a little trouble when we arose this morning and found the roads to be quite slick from the thaw and re-freeze of the wet snow/ice. So, as we ran along in that first mile, we quickly found that running fast wouldn't be very smart (to the tune of Jonathan yelping everytime he got close to falling) and we just ran along at a much slower (and safer) pace.
We only ended up running 4 miles because our normal running stride turned into a slippery/icy shuffle and we all were complaining of tired stabilizing quads and ankles by the end.
Altogether, though, it was enjoyable to see the first snow run of the 2010 winter season. It may be chilly, but it's so fun to see the weather change!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Peaks of Otter Christmas Classic
Miles this week: 23.6
Miles this year: !)(@$*)!
So, I tried to drink some of the latte on our drive to Bedford. For some reason, we had really connected over running (being that we did meet on the 10 Miler course and all) and going to this race together was kind of special. Gregg was running on a team with some pals from Brook Food Group, Jesse Pratt and a few others, so we met in a parking lot to get everyone together. Then we all went to the middle school and picked up our packets.
When the race was over, Gregg and I waited in the gym for the results, but funny thing--the results were messed up because the race director had accidentally used duplicate numbers. So it took what seemed like hours and hours for results to be processed. I wanted to wait because Gregg had won 4th place overall and I really wanted to know if I placed in my age group. While we waited, Gregg and I talked and talked while sitting on the floor of the Bedford Middle School gymnasium. We had so much to talk about that I think we both knew something was happening between us. When the results were finally finished, Gregg won 4th place and my name was never posted. To this day, my name still isn't in those results. Gregg sent me a picture the following week:
We still laugh about those darn results. I'm pretty sure my time in that race was somewhere around 26:30.
Three years later, Gregg and I have tied the knot and are still running the Christmas Classic every year. I kind of wanted to tell the race director my story and have him design the race t-shirt in honor of our 2010 marriage, but I was a wuss about it and thought it might be conceited to think that anyone would want us on their t-shirt.
In 2008, I ran 26:35 and last year my time was 26:06. My goal this year was to beat last year's time. I ran 24:40 at the race today! I was pretty psyched to have knocked almost 1:30 off my best time on that course. Gregg was pumped for me too. We had a team lined up this year for the race. Riverside Runners was made up of me, Gregg, Ricky Flynn, Darrell Wargo, and Jordan Whitlock. Unfortunately for us, our 1st, 2nd, 11th, and 20th places weren't enough for the win (my 98th place brought our team score down), but everyone on the team placed except for me. Ricky was 1st overall, breaking the course record, winning the "top of the hill" prize, and a turkey (he won $110!), Jordan was 2nd overall, winning some prize money as well. Gregg was first in his age group and Darrell was 2nd in his age group. Here are the guys with all their winnings:
And here's Ricky's turkey:
I was proud of everyone's efforts.
After the race, Gregg and I ran the course in reverse to get in a few extra miles. It felt good to go down the Bedford Hospital hill rather than up it.
To top it all off, Lynchburg's first snow of the winter came today as well. I was pretty psyched when I got home to see snow on the mailbox. I guess that means winter is officially here.
After the race, Gregg and I ran the course in reverse to get in a few extra miles. It felt good to go down the Bedford Hospital hill rather than up it.
To top it all off, Lynchburg's first snow of the winter came today as well. I was pretty psyched when I got home to see snow on the mailbox. I guess that means winter is officially here.

Friday, December 3, 2010
my new husband
Miles this week: 17.5
I am lucky to have a super duper new husband. I call him that sometimes and he jokes with me about what happened to my "old" husband.
Reason being: I can pretty much call him any time, any day, and in any weather, and unless something big is happening, he'll probably agree to run with me if I really need him.
One really big thing I've learned in the past year is that running alone isn't so bad, but running with someone is really very good. Prior to 3-6-5, I was always a loner-style runner. I preferred running alone because I hated having to think about running as I ran. If I ran with someone, I'd have to constantly think about lots of things: how fast or slow we ran, what to talk about, if I was breathing loud, if I needed to stop would they think I was a wuss, if I needed to fart would they think I was gross, etc. I also liked running alone because it was a good time for me to clear my head. I did have some running buddies who helped with my learning to run with a buddy style before I started 3-6-5 (thanks Stacey & Austin) but I still was kinda scared to run with a friend.
Project 3-6-5 has taught me lots of things, but one of my very favorite lessons in running everyday this year has been that I've become very comfortable with running with people. I still don't mind running alone, but if I do it too many days in a row, I start to get kind of depressed about the monotony. Now, I look forward to finding someone to run with without worrying about what they will think of me or how fast we will go. I don't mind if my partner wants to walk a bit, or if they're faster than me, or even if I have to fart. I just run and enjoy their company and the laughter. It's very freeing.
My favorite running buddy of all is my husband, Gregg. He always comes through. In 2010, there have been a number of days where I either waited until 9pm or later to run, I was scared of the big bad dogs in my neighborhood, or I just was lonely--and Gregg always came through.
Just tonight, I was heading out of work and it was after 6pm. I didn't want to run alone--it was dark, cold and windy. I called Gregg before I left work and without asking any questions, he was ready to meet me at Starbucks to run a few easy miles before the Christmas Classic tomorrow.
I love this man. He just always makes me happy.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Shelley Blades
Miles today: 3.0
However, she has been part of my year of running a few times (I wish more) and today we ran together at Percival's Island downtown. It was supa-cold this morning, but it was totally worth it because Shelley is fun to just listen to. She tells funny stories all the time. Sometimes I don't even want to talk because I'd rather hear about her adventures. I miss working with Shelley, but I'm really proud of her and her job at L'Arche.
We made plans to make cookies together with some of the people who live at L'Arche next week. I bet that will be another blog.
We ran 3 miles today because I was super late showing up (that's another trend of mine) and I had to be out of there by 9:00, but it was a great 3 miles and was super fun to run with my bud again.
Thanks Shelley!
Miles this week: 15.5
Miles in 2010: I really will figure this out...1000+?My friend Shelley and I used to work together at Riverside Runnners. She has a different job now, at L'Arche, where she makes life fun for full-time residents in a home in Boonsboro. The best thing about Shelley and this job is that it has made her so happy. She loves it and she has the best stories about the people she works with. She also has a really rad blog over here. Funny thing is, she started her picture-a-day blog after my run everyday blog and of course she kept going and has done an awesome job, and I haven't.
However, she has been part of my year of running a few times (I wish more) and today we ran together at Percival's Island downtown. It was supa-cold this morning, but it was totally worth it because Shelley is fun to just listen to. She tells funny stories all the time. Sometimes I don't even want to talk because I'd rather hear about her adventures. I miss working with Shelley, but I'm really proud of her and her job at L'Arche.
We made plans to make cookies together with some of the people who live at L'Arche next week. I bet that will be another blog.
We ran 3 miles today because I was super late showing up (that's another trend of mine) and I had to be out of there by 9:00, but it was a great 3 miles and was super fun to run with my bud again.
Thanks Shelley!
Percival's Island,
running buddy
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
its December?!?
well here's how I really feel...
enough there.
miles today: 4.0
miles this week: 12.5
miles in 2010: errr...not sure.
So what I thought I'd do during "project threesixfive" was blog everyday and have an amazing journal of my journey of running everyday for a year.
What really happened was life got in the way, we were planning a wedding, Gregg and I got married, and somewhere in there I quit blogging.
I hate those two words together...I quit.
I really did kind of give up on the blog thing.
However, I did do what I was supposed to on the other end of the goal, and that was to run everyday thus far. As of today, I only have 31 days left to run. How cool is that?
Makes me feel pretty good.
So, with my entry into the world of December 2010, I thought I'd re-enter the blog-o-sphere and try to write each day of December to get me back on my wagon...and excite you readers about what's to come in 2011!
So, without further ado...I'm back. And I'm stronger than ever! Go me!
enough there.
miles today: 4.0
miles this week: 12.5
miles in 2010: errr...not sure.
So what I thought I'd do during "project threesixfive" was blog everyday and have an amazing journal of my journey of running everyday for a year.
What really happened was life got in the way, we were planning a wedding, Gregg and I got married, and somewhere in there I quit blogging.
I hate those two words together...I quit.
I really did kind of give up on the blog thing.
However, I did do what I was supposed to on the other end of the goal, and that was to run everyday thus far. As of today, I only have 31 days left to run. How cool is that?
Makes me feel pretty good.
So, with my entry into the world of December 2010, I thought I'd re-enter the blog-o-sphere and try to write each day of December to get me back on my wagon...and excite you readers about what's to come in 2011!
So, without further ado...I'm back. And I'm stronger than ever! Go me!
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